What’s new in the Reservation Manager?

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What’s new in the Reservation Manager?

The Enhanced Reservation Manager has the following improvements / updates:

  • The availability calendar is showing 7 days of availability instead of 21 days by default. As a result, each date block on the grid has more room to show the following additional information:
    • Availability Count (Hotel mode accounts only), Best Availablity Rates (BAR) for each Product Restrictions (Min/Max LOS, CoA, CoD) associated with the BAR (if any)
  • Hotel Mode accounts (support multiple rooms per room type):
Here is how the reservation manager looks in the hotel mode accounts
  • B-Mode accounts (support single room per room type):

When you click on a date block, the popup shows more information about the date. E.g.

  • For Hotel Mode accounts, the view displays the reservations that are checking-in, checking-out, or staying-through on that day for that product.

  • For B-Mode accounts, it displays the reservation details booked on that product on that day

You can set Inventory, Black out, Rates or Restrictions for that product on selected dates.

  • The calendar is more compatible to mobile devices. When the screen size is smaller, it automatically reduces the number of days.

    For example, it only displays one day on your phone when you view it veritically. You can always click the arrows to change the date to display.
  • Added a Filter function to display filtered products.
  • Added a Smart Search function to quickly find reservations by Reservation ID, guest name, email or phone number
  • For B-Mode accounts, when reservations are displayed on the date blocks, you can drag and drop the reservations on the calender to modify its check-in date and the room type.
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