How to set up LOS (Length-of-Stay) Based Pricing?

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How to set up LOS (Length-of-Stay) Based Pricing?

LOS based pricing means setting up rates based on the guest’s length of stay, for example: daily, weekly or monthly.

The configuration setting looks like below:

How to configure length of stay based pricing in OnRes system?

Earlier we created multiple rate groups based on different LOS restrictions. However, now we have an easier way to manage different LOS under one Rate Group.

Follow these steps to configure Length-of-Stay based pricing.

Step 1: Click the Enable button to enable LOS based pricing for this rate group. 

Step 2: Enter the minimum number of nights that is applicable to this price. E.g. Enter 7 for the weekly rates.

Step 3: Select “decrease” or “increase” to deduct or add the offset amount (set in Step 4) to the Base Rate. E.g., If you want the weekly rate to be ($5) cheaper than the base rate, choose “decrease”.

Step 4: Enter the offset amount based on the Base Rate. E.g., If you would like the weekly rate to be ($5) cheaper than the base rate, enter 5. Note: DO NOT enter a negative value.

Step 5: Press the SET button to apply the setting to the list below and review the Results Table. Note, this table only demonstrates the offset amount based on the Base Rates. If Weekday Rates or Occupancy Based Rates are in effect, the actual value after adjustment may differ from what’s shown in this table.

For example, if the Base Rate is $99 for 2 guests and $109 for 3 guests and the weekly rate is set $5 cheaper, then the actual resulting price will be $94 for 2 guests and $104 for 3 guests. Here, the results for 3 guests will not be shown on the table but the guests will be able to see the actual result if they search online.


1. The system supports multiple LOS values to be set in one rate group. This means you can manage your daily, weekly, and monthly rates in one rate group. Just repeat Steps 2 to 5 to add the LOS settings to the list.

2. LOS based pricing is NOT supported by the OTA/GDS interfaces and rate groups.

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