How to cancel/reactivate a Master or Child Reservation?

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How to cancel/reactivate a Master or Child Reservation?

To Cancel a Child Reservation, open the Master Reservation, and click on the “Cancel” button in the Child Reservation List to cancel the selected one. The cancelled Child Reservation remains in the Master.

You can also cancell it by opening the Child Reservation Details and click on the Cancel button on the top.

To Cancel the entire Master Reservation, open the Master Reservation, and click on the Cancel button next to the Master Reservation ID. The action will cancell all Child Reservations in the list.

Cancel master or child reservation

To Reactivate a Child Reservation, open the Master Reservation, and click on the “Reactivate” button in the Child Reservation List to reactivate the selected one.

To Reactivate the entire Master Reservation, you will need to repeat the above step to reactivate each cancelled Child Reservation in the list.

Reactivate a child reservation
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