Booking Process related setup

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Booking Process related setup

These settings are related to the Booking Process.

Booking process related set up

1. Minimum days in advance booking: This is a system level setting that restricts the minimum number of days that user can make online reservations through our web booking engine. This is also applicable to channel bookings (but not Expedia and GDS channels. For Expedia Reservations, please contact Expedia Support to manage Advance Booking Restrictions).

2. Ask for guest names per multiple room: Selecting this will require online bookers to enter the names of the guests for each room when multiple rooms of the same room type are booked (see screenshot below). However please be aware that this can lead to reservation fall-offs due to too many fields to fill-out, hence is recommended to not enable unless it’s necessary.

Guest names for individual rooms

3. Use Additional Guest Types: Allow guest to enter number of guests per these types: Adults, Children, Youth and Senior.

4. Show Rates in Booking Widget: Show the lowest Best Available Rates or RACK rates in the Booking Widget calendar. See Setup OnRes 2.0 Booking Process (section 5) for details.

5. Show Availability in Booking Widget: Show room availability in the 2.0 Booking Widget calendar – NOTE: For Single Product Booking Widgets, the availability is always showing irrespect to this setting. See Setup OnRes 2.0 Booking Process (section 6) for details.

6. Enable Multi Room Type Booking for Guests: This setting is only applicable for Multiple Room Type Booking enabled accounts. If disabled, guests are not allowed to book multipe room types in one reservation, but you are still able to do it with manual bookings

7. Enable Custom Message on top of the Booking Widget: You can use this to deliver important messages to guests on the booking pages, e.g. health & safety messages. The Custom Message will show on top of the booking process pages. See Setup OnRes 2.0 Booking Process (section 7) for details.

8. Default Number of Guests in Booking Widget: This allows the hotel to set the Default Number of Guests in the Booking Widget when users open the Booking Widget page (see screenshot below). Since the Booking Widget doesn’t allow guests to be zero, you can set this to be zero to force the guests to always choose the actual number of guests before clicking the Check Availability button.

Setting default number of guests in the booking widget
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