How to merge existing single reservations into a Master Reservation?

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How to merge existing single reservations into a Master Reservation?

There are two type of merges that can happen in the OnRes system:

  • Merge & Create – combine multiple single reservations into a new Master
  • Add to Master – add existing single reservations into an existing Master

To Merge & Create:

1. Select multiple single reservations in the Reservation List, then click the ‘Select to Merge’ button to bring up the Merge popup.

Select reservations to merge from the list of reservations

2. In the Merge popup window, select one of the merge candidates as the Primary. The common information, such as Guest and Credit Card information from the Primary will override what’s in the other candidates, and become the common information of the new Master.

Merge & create a new master reservation

Then click on the ‘Merge & Create’ button to perform the merge.

To Add to Master

1. Select any single reservations and only one target Master Reservation in the Reservation List, then click the Select to Merge button to bring up the Merge popup.

Select reservations to merge

In the Merge popup window, click on the Add to Master button to perform the merge.

    Or, you can select the single reservations only, then click the ‘Select to Merge’ button to bring up the Merge popup.

    Select to merge reservations

    2. In the Merge popup window, enter the Master Reservation ID next to the Add to Master button, then click on the button to perform the merge.

    Merge reservations and add them to a specific master reservation

    Either way, the Master will serve as the Primary Reservation, i.e. the Guest and CC info in the Master Reservation will override what’s in the Child Reservations.

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