What is Gap Restriction?

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What is Gap Restriction?

Gap Restrictions is a feature in the OnRes system that allow you to limit the number of open nights (gap or no gap) between each reservation. This helps to avoid short unbookable dates between reservations.

Let’s consider Sept 1st and Sept 19th as booked. Now, when a guest is trying to book 3 nights between these two dates, and you have a Gap Restriction in place that requires a minimum gap of 7 nights on either side (before and after the reservation), then the following 3 cases will satisfy the rule, while the last 2 cases don’t.

Note: It’s implied that “no gap” is always allowed.

Starts on Sept 2nd – no gap on one side, 14 nights open on the other side – OK

Starts on Sept 16th – no gap on one side, 14 nights open on the other side – OK

Starts on Sept 9th – 7 nights open on the both sides – OK

Starts on Sept 4th – 2 nights gap on one side, 12 nights on the other side – NOT OK

When the system can’t find any availability due to the Gap Restrictions, your guests will see the following message on the Search Result page.

If it’s within +/- 2 days of the guest’s original Start Date and it has available dates that would satisfy the Gap Restrictions, then the system will show the below message of suggested dates.

Refer screenshot:

Gap restrictions in OnRes

Note: The Gap Restrictions feature is only available to B&B mode properties (where only one room is available for each room type) and it is NOT supported by OTA / GDS interfaces.

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