How to create a new user?

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How to create a new user?

Users are managed at the ‘User Management’ tab (Settings -> User Management), or click on your Username Initial icon on top right of the screen and choose Users.

Creating a new user in the OnRes system

New user can be created on the Edit widget on the right side of the page. Fill in the details with valid Username and Password and press ‘Add New’.

Username has to be unique in the system. If not, the system will return an error message after saving. Username cannot contain any characters except: letters, digits, dot, hyphen, and underscore.

Password is required to:

  • be at least 8 characters long
  • contain at least one digit
  • contain at least one lower-case letter
  • contain at least one capital letter

User Level – defines the role of this user account. Each level has certain access permissions to certain pages. Click on the “description” link to see the details of the permissions.

Forgot Password Email – used to receive a temporary password generated during the Password recovery process.

90 Day Password Expiry – if enabled, password will expire after 90 days.

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