How to set Gap Restrictions in the OnRes system?

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How to set Gap Restrictions in the OnRes system?

Similar to setting other restrictions, you can set Gap Restrictions in the ‘Set Restriction’ window in the OnRes system.

Click on the ‘Plus’ button to create a new rule or the ‘Edit’ button to edit it, or the ‘Trash’ button to delete.

Then follow the below steps:

Step 1 – Condition

Gap restrictions based on Length of stay (LOS)

Step 2 – Gap Rules

Gap restrictions set up in OnRes

Step 3 – Review Changes

Review Gap Restrictions configurations

You can set multiple rules, where each rule is associated with a Condition (e.g. a Minimum Night Stay) that specifies when a particular rule will be applicable.

Below are the following 3 rules that will cover different scenarios:

  1. For staying any # of nights, either side must have zero or 7+ nights open.
  2. For staying 3+ nights, either side must have zero or 5+ nights open.
  3. For staying 10+ nights, one side must have zero or 1+ nights open, and the other side must have zero or 7+ nights open.

Evaluation of the rules:

  • For each rule, if the searched date meets the Condition of a rule, then this rule is considered APPLICABLE; otherwise, it is considered as NOT APPLICABLE.
  • If none of the rules is applicable, then the searched dates will PASS.
  • For each applicable rule, if the searched dates satisfy the gap requirements in this rule, then this rule is satisfied.
  • If any of these applicable rules is satisfied, then the searched dates will PASS; otherwise, if there are applicable rules, but none of them is satisfied, then the searched dates will NOT PASS.
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