Sometimes you may want to set up a promo code or discount code to activate a specific negotiated rate. For example: If you want to set up a code called OnRes for OnRes employees that gives a flat rate, you can do so by associating a Discount Code with any Rate Groups that you want […]
How to associate a Discount Code to certain Products?
Note: Once a Product is associated with a Discount Code, this Product won’t be bookable unless the Discount Code is provided in the search. The association is set up at the Product Details page. Go to Setup -> Products, and open the Product you would like to associate the Discount Code with. In the Product Details […]
How to edit an existing Discount Code?
To edit an existing discount code, click on the ‘Edit’ icon on the target discount code. The information about the code will be populated to the Edit Discount Code widget on the right side of the screen. Make changes then press ‘Update’.
How to create a new Dicount Code?
Follow these steps to create a new discount code in the OnRes system. First, click on the ‘Discount Codes’ tab under the Setup section on the left side of the navigation menu to open the Discount Codes page, where the Discount Codes can be viewed and set here. On ‘Edit Discount Code’ widget on the […]
How to create a “Free night stay on a reservation” or “3rd Night Free” kind of promotion?
For creating a ‘Free night stay on a reservation’ kind of a promotion in the OnRes system, follow these steps:
How to show availed promotions in the guest confirmation emails?
For accounts that are enabled with Multiple Room Type Bookings, the promotion will automatically appear in the guest confirmation email without any additional setup work. For regular accounts, include the Special Code <#PromotionName#> in your Guest Email Setup. Then the system will automatically replace the Special Code with actual booked promotion name. For details about […]
How to apply a promotion in the Reservation Details window?
In the OnRes system, you can apply one or more promotions to a reservation by selecting the ‘Promotions’ in the drop down (as shown in the screenshot below). Note: The list of promotion options are subject to the Rate Group selected in this reservation. When a promotion is selected, the discounted rate is automatically calculated.
How to exclude promotions on certain dates?
Let’s say, you have a promotion that covers the entire winter, but you don’t want it to be bookable during certain dates, e.g. the New Year’s Eve. Then you can set the dates on the Excluded Dates Calendar to “blackout” the promotion on these dates. Click on the “Exclude these Dates”, and in the calendar, […]
What happens when two promotions overlap on the same dates?
If two promotions overlap on the same dates, then both of them will be listed side by side in the search result in the OnRes system. Guests can select any one of rates displayed, including the original rates, promotional rate 1, and promotional rate 2, and so on. Therefore, guests won’t be able to book […]
How to setup a promotion?
Promotions are setup in the Promotions page under the Setup section in the OnRes system. To create a promotion, click on the ‘New Promotion’ button. To edit an exsiting promotion, click on the promotion name in the Promotion List to open the Promotion Details window to edit. The Promotion Details window looks like this. You need to […]